Levels of Service Options
Reach out if you need assistance in choosing a service. Â
Custom programs are available in person or online.
Individual Programs
Choose this level of service if you are interested in a one-time program. Examples of this may be professional development, guest speaking, and wellness presentations for staff or students.
You can work together with your certified mindfulness instructor to choose the wellness topics that are most relevant to the needs of your school or community.
Investment: Approx. $350 per one-hour program.
Rates may vary. Contact us for current pricing.
8 Week Wellness Programs
Choose this level of service if you are interested in providing the Bacall Wellness 8-lesson mindfulness program for your school.
It has been scientifically proven that brain changes occur within 6-8 weeks of mindfulness practice.
Investment: Approx. $2,800.
Rates may vary. Contact us for current pricing.
What you get:
- A certified mindfulness instructor teaching one classroom (approx. 30 - 45 minutes of instruction), once a week for eight weeks.
- Classroom Teacher Mindfulness Manual to continue the practices in the classroom.
Community of Practice
Choose this level of service if you are interested in providing wellness programming for students, faculty and staff, and parents.
This level of service creates a "Community of Practice which allows for your school to be a leader and innovator in creating and maintaining a healthy school climate and culture.
After attending our 8 lesson program,
95% of students surveyed said they would recommend it for incoming freshmen.
Scroll down for details.
Community of Practice Details
Custom Programs Available.
Programs are available in person or online.
This level of service option provides the most inclusive package to enable your school to improve its climate and culture. In order for these positive changes to be lasting, it is important to understand that with this service, it is a "slow grow" over time that will make all the difference. Your mindfulness instructor will discuss this process with you.
Staff Presentation
It is essential for staff to understand what mindfulness is and how it will benefit them in order to establish a positive attitude regarding the program. This presentation is approximately 45 minutes in duration and includes the definition of mindfulness, benefits, research and neuroscience of mindfulness, a description of the program and what it may look like in the classroom. It also gives staff an opportunity to experience what a mindfulness exercise "feels" like so they may also receive the benefit of present moment relaxation and stress reduction.
Parent/Guardian Presentation
This online presentation is similar to the staff presentation. It provides parents/guardians the opportunity to understand what mindfulness is, its benefits, research and brain effects and what it looks like in the classroom. It also gives them an opportunity to ask questions about the program that an administrator may not know how to answer. (See FAQ page)
Program Details
The program is designed for an instructor to present 8 mindfulness lessons.
Each lesson consists 3 components:
1) Instruction of scientifically based material via slide show
2) A new emotional regulation mindfulness skill introduced in each lesson
3) Practice and discussion of skills for better learning and retention
Additional Optional Items
Additional Support:
Email support for questions regarding mindfulness and meditation practices with a Certified Mindfulness Instructor. This service has proven to be invaluable, as it can help to identify those that may need a referral for further support provided by the guidance department or licensed mental health professional.
Bacall Wellness does not treat or claim to treat mental illness.
24-hour access to free guided mindfulness exercise videos via our website (www.bacallwellness.com)
Access to e-folder of video and electronic resources for students
Student Mindfulness Workbooks (K-5) upon request
Letter of Introduction for Parents/Guardians upon request
Classroom Teacher Mindfulness Manual
Pre and Post Student Evaluations Report for Administration
Program Evaluation by Classroom Teacher
Three Thirty-minute classroom teacher check-in meetings (pre, mid, and post-program)
Investment Cost:
(Prices may vary depending on the number of students in each class, the duration of instruction, and travel expenses.)
Each school building = $2,500.00
30-45 minutes of instruction once a week for 8 weeks = $300.00 per lesson/class